Thursday, April 7, 2022

2022-2023 Student Placement Input from Families

Dear Village Families: 


At Village Elementary School, we value your input as one piece of information in our overall effort to create well-balanced classrooms for all students.  That said, the link listed at the end of this message will take you to a Google Form that you may complete in order to submit requests and considerations following the guidelines described below by Thursday, April 14. 


You may also write a separate email to me requesting that your child not be placed in a specific classroom.  These non-requests are for classroom (homeroom) teachers only.  Due to the complexities of scheduling and placement, we cannot accept non-request letters for specialists, team teachers, or special area teachers.  Your non-request for a classroom teacher will be considered when the content of the letter describes specific information regarding a personal experience or a unique set of circumstances that would justify granting such a request.  These requests must be sent by Thursday, April 14, as well. 


Please note that in any instance where a letter includes a request for a specific teacher by name, the letter will not be considered in the process. 


Notification of your child’s assigned teacher will be mailed to you in August.   


Thank you for your cooperation and continued support. 



Benjamin B. Rudd, Ed.D.



Placement form link for families: