an International Baccalaureate district, we use criteria provided by IB to
guide our curriculum and assessments. Each content area has 4
criteria…Criterion A, B, C, and D. Criterion based grading allows us to see
what students know and are able to do; it also allows students to ascertain
what they need to do in order to continue to grow as learners. As a district,
we believe it is important that you, as parents/guardians, also know how your
student in progressing. We are pleased to announce that we are using Infinite
Campus Parent Portal for that purpose. Please see the Q and A below:
Q: Where can I
find the criteria reporting for my students?
A: Infinite
Q: How often is
the criteria reported?
A: Each
criterion (A, B, C, D) is reported two times a year.
will be able to see your student’s criteria reporting by January 31st
and June 29th on the Parent Portal.
Q: What is the
range for each criterion?
A: Each
criterion is assessed on a score of 1-8. Scores 5-6 are considered grade-level.
Q: Is this
numeric grade(1-8) for the each criterion included in the student grade?
A: While we use
the criterion rubric to assessed student work, and this (as with all rubrics)
impacts the grade, it is not a direct correlation. There are other things that
go into a student’s course grade.
Q: Where can I
find the explanation for the criteria for each content area.
A: The rubrics are posted on The Office of
Instruction website.
Central School District websiteàOffice of InstructionàIB Criteria Rubrics—in
files section).
note which rubric level for your student.
IB Rubric
Grade Level
5 and 6
7 and 8
9 and 10