Tuesday, April 23, 2019

To all 3rd and 4th grade parents:

The Instrumental music program will begin hearing 3rd grade students beginning in May. They are heard in small groups (4-6), as they will try out all the instruments we suggest here at Village. These times are scheduled for each class with their teacher. At that time, they will bring home a sheet with 3 choices on it, in order of how successful they were on those instruments. The selection sheet must be returned by Friday, June 14th. I will then sent out info as to what instrument they will begin in the fall.

If your child is in 4th grade, they need to contact me. Their class is not called in to audition as most of those students began this school year. They are more than welcome to start.

If you wish your child to study over the summer, that information is also available as well as rental or purchase info from our local music stores.

Thanks so much, and let me know if you have any questions related to our Band program.

Beth fabrizio                 392-1000  x5117