It is hard to believe that I am writing about the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge already, but as we turn the calendar to May, it's time! We have participated in this program for a number of years, having logged the most minutes read as a school in New York State for several years in a row, including this past summer! A few years ago when I was the Assistant Principal here at Village Elementary, our school even took first place world-wide in the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge. I am proud that we have continued to do an outstanding job as a school community with our participation as our students have logged over one million minutes annually. What matters most, however, is that children are reading all summer long.
Given that the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge is a world-wide event, students can begin logging their minutes starting this Monday, May 8th. Our Library team along with classroom teachers will be working with students to get them going within the next few days and we will update our school community once all students are up and running.
In writing to you about reading, what matters most is the role all families can play in this every day. The benefits of reading are immense and much research exists on the subject. When kids are young, taking time each day to read to your child not only helps their language development and builds background knowledge, but it also can be a special time together as a family. In the summer, this is especially important to avoid what is referred to as the 'summer slide.' Without question, kids need opportunities to enjoy all that summer has to offer, but making time for reading each day as well allows kids to retain the skills they developed over the course of the school year.
As children develop their own skills as readers, they are excited to show off for anyone that will listen. Making time for them to read to family while also still providing time to read to them is critical. Developing readers need the practice that comes with repetition. When they begin enjoying chapter books, it is that much more worthwhile to make time for the family read aloud. This allows for opportunities to explore more complex stories that allow for discussions about characters, themes, the plot, etc.
Thank you for making time to read as a family. Stay tuned for further updates regarding the Summer Reading Challenge in the weeks and months ahead. In the meantime, check out the video below for more information and be sure to talk with your child about it!