Dear Parents,
We made it through March and it is refreshing to have some nice weather in order to get the kids outside again during recess, movement breaks and PE activities! It was a powerful end to winter, but the students continued to persist and achieve success in the curriculum and in being positive citizens to the Village community. We are grateful for all the support you have given us to help support students through all the snow and wind days.
This month’s IB profile trait is Risk-Taker. Risk-takers approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change. As a risk-taking staff, Mr. D’Abreu and I are doing another virtual assembly on Friday, April 7th. We will host like a talk show, but have added videos that we can show through the media being utilized. It should be exciting and fun! Please remind your children to show their spirit by wearing the Hilton red and black.
Spirit Day is around the corner. On June 16th, students will celebrate the end of the year with a day filled with obstacle courses, bounce houses, dunk tanks and active games with the whole school. I am looking forward to being a part of the annual event.
Congratulations to bus #58 AND #102 for earning the March bus of the month title. Both buses have been showed leadership with positive behavior and the students always enjoy the red carpet treatment. Bus 102 is not able to park in the front, designated spot due to them taking the private school students, so bus 58 gladly accepted the spot. I want to thank the bus drivers who get the students to and from school with such precision and expertise. They really put the students safety first and it is a pleasure being a part of such a great staff.
Have a great week!
Ms. Schaufelberger