Tuesday, January 3, 2017

January PBIS Message from Ms. Schaufelberger

Dear Parents,
I hope you had a restful and joyful holiday break.  I am excited thinking about the wonderful events Village has planned for the rest of the school year.  One event in particular is the second annual Cadet Connect Day, which will be held on February 17th (details to come soon).  
January's IB profile trait is knowledgeable.  Students exemplify being knowledgeable by developing and using conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge across a range of disciplines.  Students will engage in issues and ideas that have local and global significance.  The monthly PBIS assembly, being held on January 13th, will focus on this trait.  Students who present at the assembly will challenge all students to show how they are knowledgeable by completing reflection sheets.   

The monthly One Healthy Village challenge in December was a dance off where each class was challenged to create a video of themselves doing the Pop See Ko dance.  Classes that participated were entered in a raffle, and I am pleased to announce that Mr. Strauss’ class won.  They will receive a popsicle party on January 6th.  January’s challenge is entitled, “Disconnect to Connect Home Challenge.”  Students will be challenged to not watch TV or play electronics in order to get up and moving instead.  Students will be given a week long participation log and we ask for parental signature before it is turned in at the end of the week.  The week long challenge will take place from January 16th-20th.  The school will participate in a “no tech Tuesday”  as part of the challenge.  I hope you and your family can participate.  I am looking forward to hearing about the activities students will partake in.  

Congratulations to bus #77 for earning the December bus of the month title.   The students exemplify safety by remaining in their seats, being respectful to the bus driver and maintained soft voices during conversation.  This bus has had remarkable reviews since September, so I am happy to celebrate the students this month.  
Happy New Year!
Ms. Schaufelberger