TO: Village Parents
FROM: Ms. Beth Fabrizio; Village Elementary
School Band Director
DATE: May 16,
The Hilton Central School District begins instrumental music
in the 4th grade. Students
can also start in the 5th or 6th grade. Your child will soon have an opportunity to
learn how to play a band instrument, and become part of our successful
instrumental music program as well.
As part of the recruitment campaign for this year’s band
members, your child will have the opportunity to see and hear each band instrument. Your child will been given information about
each instrument as well as what makes the instrument special.
All interested students and parents should fill out the
attached permission slip and return it to Ms. Fabrizio by Friday, June 10th. Each student should select three different
instrument choices. In many cases, the
first choice will be the instrument selected for your child. However, some students will be asked to
consider a second or third choice for the most ideal band instrumentation. Based on experience, we almost always need
more students to play the trombone,
baritone, or tuba. We also check for physical items that may strengthen or
detract from a student’s success. If you
are interested in looking further at each instrument with your child, hop on
the internet and check out Be Part of
the It demonstrates each instrument for you and your child.
A Parent Information Night has been scheduled for September 12th,
7PM in the HJ Cafeteria. A detailed
overview of the band program and information on how to obtain instruments will
be presented. If your child plans on
using an instrument already owned by a friend or member of your family, please
bring the instrument to Village prior to the end of the school year so the
playing condition can be evaluated.
I look
forward to hearing from you, and are excited about working with your child in
the Village Instrumental Music Program!
Atlas Music/Webster: 671-2020
Music and Arts/Pittsford:
Doris Music /Spencerport:
If you are interested in having your child
begin instrumental music in September 2016, please complete the following and
return to Ms. Fabrizio by Friday,
June 10th, 2016.
Child’s Name: _______________________ Parent/Guardian: _______________________
Street Address: ______________________________ Town:__________ Zip: __________
Telephone: ____________________ Email: ______________________________
Parent’s Signature: ______________________________
Choice _______________
Second Choice _______________
Choice _______________