Thursday, March 2, 2017

Monthly Newsletter from Ms. Schaufelberger

Dear Parents,

Cadet Connect Day was a success!  Twenty classes had students from Merton Williams and the High School come and play games, describe the importance of being IB learners and built a community throughout the district.  The big Cadets had a lot of fun reading, coloring and being a part of the little Cadets’ day.  Below are some action shots from the day.
This month’s IB profile trait is Inquirer.  We nurture our curiousity, developing skills for inquiry and research.  We know how to learn independently and with others.  We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life.  The assembly will be held tomorrow, March 3rd.  Don’t forget to remind your children to wear Hilton gear!

The One Healthy Village Committee is challenging students to “Meditation March.”  Meditation is especially beneficial to children. It helps reduce stress, strengthens the immune system, can improve relationships at home and at school, decreases aggressiveness and anxieties, improves behavior and attitude, improves focus, memory and concentration and promotes inner peace.  Classes are challenged to take meditation breaks (3 minutes) with their class daily and share the effects.

Congratulations to bus #68 for earning the February bus of the month title.   This bus has been consistent with great behavior and being safe on the bus, so I am glad they will be recognized this Friday and for the month of March.
Have a great weekend!
Ms. Schaufelberger