Dear Parents,
Thank you so much for your time and collaboration with teachers during parent/teacher conferences. It is because of this partnership that we can help all students progress and succeed, and we are very thankful for your support.
December's IB profile trait is Caring. Students exemplify being caring by showing empathy, compassion and respect. They have a commitment to service, and we act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and in the world among us. This trait is very fitting for December because the holidays may be hard for some, so lending a hand and being supportive to others is especially important. We are proud of all the work our student council does to promote the caring environment through community service events and how Village students raised over $7,000 for Jump Rope For Heart. Thank you for guiding your children to exemplify the caring trait.
We are very pleased to announce that bus #85 was selected as the bus of the month for November. The students exemplify safety by remaining in their seats, being respectful to the bus driver and maintained soft voices during conversation. Congratulations to bus #85!
We hope you have a wonderful holiday season!
Ms. Schaufelberger